Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Reform

Are all of the republicans crazy. Our Current sytem is corrupt. Health care reform is way over do. I strongly support single pay and a complete gutting of the insurance industry. But this will never happen in the US. The best we can hope for is a watered down version of the presidents proposal. The best health care I have ever had was the ACCHS program in arizona. If I ever had to pay a copay it was 1$! Since then I have been on numerous health insurance policys. At the moment I dont have insurance and probably won't unless there is reform. I dont have the money to see a doctor and out of meds at the moment. Oh what fun I just love washing my hands till they bleed or worrying that aliens will abduct me.
The republican's say that reform will take away freedom are yall insane? Right now what we have is Facism what could be less free than that.
The truth is that health care reform will guarantee more liberty, not less.